Here are the words of a hymn written by Andrew Donaldson. At the end of 2023 it seems fitting to reflect on the passing of time with a prayer song.
Time Propels Us like a Current
Time propels us like a current,yet it turns, a spinning sphere;
now a moment, then it passes, gone like breath on frozen air.
Time is ours to mark and measure, not to grasp, or understand.
Holy Presence, we receive it, gift and myst’ry from your hand.
At our ends and our beginnings, the Eternal One is there,
silent Voice, inviting Presence , saying, “Now. The time is here.
Mortal one, you are beloved. I would walk the while with you.
Do not fear; stir up your spirit: I am making all things new.”
Yet we fear, O God of Ages: still old evils wound and rage.
Fearsome voices, gaining power, shout their hate from ev’ry stage.
You sang peace on waves of chaos, ordered rhythms: nights and days.
Hone in us the skills of justice, sing in us your song of grace.
Teach us all the steps of kindness; lead us in your holy dance,
keeping time with love eternal, living in your present tense.
Be for us the turning center, present Partner, steady Friend.
Love, compel us, lead us joyful; faithful till the ages end.