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Newsletter 2022-11-23: Grieving, Hopeful Gratitude, Nominations, and Childcare


On Saturday evening, November 19, 2022, the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, a gunman killed five people and injured 18 others at an LGBTQ nightclub (Club Q) in Colorado Springs, CO. What a horrific event! It happens much too often. Why is there such hate? Why do we allow automatic rifles in our society?

Police on Monday released the names of those killed: Daniel Aston, Kelly Loving, Raymond Green Vance, Derrick Rump and Ashley Green Paugh. I grieve the loss of these individuals and the harm caused to those injured. I pray for their families and friends. I denounce the hate that targets the LGBTQ community and resolve to speak out and against such hate. O God, give us the courage and strength to stand against hate in all its forms. Give us the imagination, creativity and wherewithal to build healthy, loving communities and a world where all can live in love and peace.

Recently I watched the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy (again!) and found myself drawn to a quote by Gandalf, “Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” I pray that during this Thanksgiving holiday that each one of us is able to find something to be grateful for, however small. May you be the giver or the recipient of a small act of kindness and love. May those small deeds multiply and be a beacon of hope wherever needed.

Finally, please complete the nomination survey. This is your opportunity to have a say in who is on the ministry teams of HMC and who ends up on the HMC Church Council. There are seven responses so far. We need more. Nominate yourself or someone else in the survey. Click on this link to complete the survey.

We are working to fill the Sunday morning paid child care position at HMC but we need a child care person on Sunday mornings until a person is in place. If you would like to sign up for a Sunday or two please contact Pastor Lee Lever or Administrative Assistant Clarke Ohlendorf. Thanks for helping out!

Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor Houston Mennonite Church


Find details for each event on our ChurchTrac Connect



Child Care Helper needed for this coming Sunday

We are working to fill the Sunday morning paid child care position at HMC but we need a child care person on Sunday mornings until a person is in place. If you would like to sign up for a Sunday or two please contact Pastor Lee Lever or Administrative Assistant Clarke Ohlendorf. Thanks for helping out!


Care & Community

Volunteer Schedule

  • Nov.–Dec. 2022

  • Need to make any changes? Please try to find your own replacements first, then contact Lynda V. with updates.


Spiritual Formation & News

The first day of Advent may not be until Sunday, November 27, but people are already preparing for Christmas. Trees, stockings, red and green dominate the advertised sales, and my inbox is already filling up with gift-giving guides. It seems the world can’t wait to celebrate light, abundance, and relationships through gift-giving. But what about those among us who don’t look forward to the holidays this year? Read more…

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is an organization that helps people rebuild after a disaster. The strength of MDS is its volunteer base which includes a range of Anabaptist/Mennonite constituencies, and the generosity of those who support the good work of MDS. When MDS enters a disaster situation they intentionally partner with other agencies and they typically focus on households with fewer resources than others. Learn more…



Go Electronic: ​​Give online by clicking here or the button below. Mail Checks to our building at : Houston Mennonite Church Attn: Treasurer 1231 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77055-6852


Houston Mennonite Staff

Pastor (Transitional): Lee Lever 512-230-9470 (text first) Administrative Assistant: Clarke Ohlendorf 281-783-9070 (text & voicemail)

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