Thank you for the last four years of membership and ministry together. As I embark on this next part of my journey, I am beyond grateful for the gift of being one of your pastors and for the opportunity to get to know you and build relationships with you amid life’s joys and sorrows. It has been a privilege to walk the way of Christ with you in my time at Houston Mennonite Church.
As we’ve reached a fork in the road, the time has come for me to take one way while you continue along the other. While it may be hard to say goodbye, it also offers up possibilities for HMC to say hello to new ministries and new possibilities for growing as a community in Christ. Change is hard, but it is also necessary; nothing stays the same, or things will be stagnant and get awfully boring! We may grumble about the cold of winter, but without it, there wouldn’t be the glorious blooming of spring. It is the cycle of life that makes it possible for new growth to happen in us and our world.
Although I won’t be present for weddings, funerals, special events, and celebrations in the future, please know that I am praying for you, and you will always have a special place in my heart. My family and I will be staying in the area for the time being while I continue my ministry at a local church as an associate pastor however we do hope to relocate in the upcoming year. I will inform Pastor Lee about my plans so he can share the news with all of you once they are in place. So, don’t be too surprised if you bump into me from time to time at the grocery store in the next few months or hear my laugh in a restaurant or coffee shop! I’ll be happy to see you and say hello. But as is the tradition for any pastor who concludes a call, it is healthy and suitable for us to walk the separate paths God has called us to follow. I will be rooting you on as we follow our different journeys, and I hope you will be rooting me on too!
So I say goodbye, a word that originally meant “God be with ye!” God will indeed be with us, with you and with me, present as we start this new step of our journeys. May we make space for the further growth God is planting in our lives and trust God’s abiding presence every step. Go, Go, Holy Spirit! Amen…and thank you.
LaTayna Purnell, Associate Pastor Houston Mennonite Church
Find details for each event on our ChurchTrac Connect
Sunday Worship at 10 AM
In-person at Houston Mennonite Church (HMC)
Zoom Online Video Meeting (ID: 910 835 693)
Dial-in: 346-248-7799 (ID: 910 835 693)
Thursday Zoom Hangout from 7-9 PM
Sunday, Nov. 6
November Potluck during 2nd Hour
Baby shower for the Konderlas during 2nd Hour
Baby registry: amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2OH0THK2C227W
Saturday, Nov. 12
HMC Building Workday from 8 AM–1 PM
Sunday, Nov. 13
Farewell for Associate Pastor LaTayna Purnell during 2nd Hour
"Thanksgiving Meal in a Bag" Collection bags due for East Spring Branch Food Pantry
Care Team Meeting on Zoom from 3–5 PM
Monday, Nov. 14
Church Council Meeting on Zoom at 7 PM
Council Meetings are open to the congregation. Whether to observe and/or contribute, you are welcome to attend!
Saturday, Nov. 26
Games Night & Snackluck from 6–9 PM
Sunday, Dec. 4
Annual Congregational Meeting during 2nd Hour
Sunday, Dec. 11
Annual Christmas Banquet from 5-7 PM
Care & Community
Volunteer Schedule
Need to make any changes? Please try to find your own replacements first, then contact Lynda V. with updates.
Directory information is kept confidential by requiring HMC Admin approval of account before access is granted
Once you have full access, update your directory profile, including choosing what details to share in the HMC directory
Teresa P. gave birth to Jae Seon Johannes!
Interested in helping make the family's transition a little easier? Volunteer to contribute to their MealTrain.
Sign-up to help here: mealtrain.com/trains/mm9o13
Spiritual Formation & News
Nov 12 from 5–9 PM: “Join other peace, justice, and environmental activists for our 2022 Peacemaker celebration, reception, awards ceremony, and dinner. We had only an online ceremony in 2020 and a limited in-person and online ceremony in 2021 because of the pandemic, but we’re looking forward to seeing all of you again in person this year. All attendees should be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.”
Pre-registration is required. Reservation DEADLINE: Nov. 3
Mennonite Church USA recently completed a denomination-wide survey and the final report, “The Mennonite Experience: MC USA Membership Study 2021-22,” has been published. “A key insight from this data is that we must stick close to our Anabaptist roots and put Jesus at the center of all we do,” said Guyton. “We have a special call as Anabaptist Christians to focus on the life of Christ. Without that distinctive, any work we do loses its true power.” To learn more go to: mennoniteusa.org/news/denominational-survey/
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is an organization that helps people rebuild after a disaster. The strength of MDS is its volunteer base which includes a range of Anabaptist/Mennonite constituencies, and the generosity of those who support the good work of MDS. When MDS enters a disaster situation they intentionally partner with other agencies and they typically focus on households with fewer resources than others.
Current Opportunity in Bastrop
MDS will be building 5 homes in Bastrop area to replace homes that were destroyed by the tornado. This work will run Jan-Feb-Mar. These volunteers need a place to stay. A church that is close to the houses that will be built has graciously offered us space in one of their buildings. The space needs some renovating to fit our needs. This is the work that needs to be completed in November.
Time frame
November 4-5
HMCers already planning to attend: Margaret & Gerald G, Lynda & Roxie V, Pastor Lee Lever, and others (maybe you?)
November 11-12
November 18-19
The work
Building 4 interior walls, installing 4 showers, installing a second water heater, installing a number of doors, installing wall board (no tape and mudding), minor repairing a false ceiling and hanging tiles, running new electrical circuits for several RVs, testing outlets and determining which circuit they are on, moving in additional freezer, ice maker, putting together bunk beds, and moving furniture
Gerald G.
Offering / Giving
Go Electronic: Give online by clicking here or the button below. Mail Checks to our building at : Houston Mennonite Church Attn: Treasurer 1231 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77055-6852
Houston Mennonite Staff
Pastor (Transitional): Lee Lever
512-230-9470 (text first)
Pastor (Associate): LaTayna Purnell
Administrative Assistant: Clarke Ohlendorf admin@houstonmennonite.org 281-783-9070 (text & voicemail)