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Newsletter 2022-10-26: HMC’s core values


Thank you to all who have participated in the 2nd Hour Transition conversations and activities at HMC. It is good to gather as a community and talk about the life of the church with one another. Our most recent conversation was about HMC’s core values. The values discussion clustered around community, peace & justice, love & acceptance, and how we practice those values together. There was acknowledgment that sometimes our values are more aspirational than practiced, and it is not always easy to agree on values. However, when we are able to take a long, honest, look in the mirror, and actively model and communicate our values, we can build a healthy community.

This coming Sunday, October 30, during 2nd Hour, we will be having an important conversation about “The Children & Youth of HMC.” We will talk about our current reality and the challenges we face as a community going forward. I hope you will join us.

Within the next week or so we will be asking the HMC community to respond to a couple of surveys. One will ask how you would like to use your gifts in the Church’s various ministries. Another will be a more comprehensive inquiry into the overall life of HMC. Please take time to complete the surveys. It will help the church assess our current situation, determine vision and goals, and communicate with pastoral candidates about who we are and what kind of leadership will serve us well as we follow God’s call.

LaTayna Purnell has given her resignation as associate pastor at HMC effective November 19, 2022. LaTayna’s service to the church will be missed. She helped us grow in awareness and she brought continuity and stability through a tumultuous time. Thank you, Pastor LaTayna, for your season of ministry with us. “For everything there is a season…”

We are observing All Saints Sunday this coming Sunday, October 30, 2022 during the 10am worship service at HMC. You are invited to bring a memento (photo, object, etc.) that helps you remember a loved one (pets are included) who has died. There will be time to share a brief memory with the community during worship. We will honor the memories and grief that accompany our loss while we embrace the love and comfort of God in candle lighting, prayer, and song. Prior to Sunday, as a way to prepare, I encourage you to share what you plan to bring with another person or a member of your household.

“...and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor


Special Note

It's Official!

Teresa P. gave birth to Jae Seon Johannes! Interested in helping make the family's first couple of weeks home a little easier? Volunteer to contribute to their MealTrain. Sign-up to help here:





  • Sunday, Oct. 30

    • All Saints Sunday, Remembering Loved Ones

      • We will celebrate a time of remembering loved ones who have passed.

      • Please bring a memento/photo and short summary of your loved one to share (not required, just encouraged).

    • 2nd Hour: Transitions Conversation, “The Children and Youth of HMC

      • Parents of children/youth at HMC: this is especially for you, but everyone is invited

    • "Thanksgiving Meal in a Bag" Collection Begins for East Spring Branch Food Pantry

      • This year HMC is again participating in the "Meal In A Bag" Thanksgiving Collection at the East Spring Branch Food Pantry at Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

      • Please see the attached letter with information about the program and a list of items to include in each bag.

      • We will be receiving the filled bags at the church for the next 2 weeks with the final day on Sunday, November 13.

      • Please contact Lynda Voran if you have any questions. Thank you all in advance for helping those in need in our community this Thanksgiving.

  • Sunday, Nov. 6

    • November Potluck during 2nd Hour at HMC

  • Saturday, Nov. 12

    • HMC Building Workday from 8 AM - 1 PM at HMC

      • There are many opportunities to serve and help clean, repair, and otherwise support our church building. Please join us for this come-and-go opportunity to serve!

  • Sunday, Nov. 13

    • Farewell for Associate Pastor LaTayna Purnell during 2nd Hour

    • Care Team Meeting on Zoom from 3-5 PM

  • Monday, Nov. 14

    • Church Council Meeting on Zoom at 7 PM

      • Church Council Meetings are open to the congregation. Whether to observe and/or contribute, you are welcome to attend!

      • Zoom Meeting ID: 541 538 033

  • Saturday, Nov. 26

    • Games Night & Snackluck from 6-9 PM at HMC

      • Bring your favorite games and something yummy to share (and a friend or two) for a fun-filled evening!

      • RSVPing on ChurchTrac is helpful, but not required.

  • Sunday, Dec. 4

    • Annual Congregational Meeting (1st) during 2nd Hour at HMC

  • Sunday, Dec. 11

    • Annual Christmas Banquet from 5-7 PM at HMC


Resources to love yourself and your church family


Resources to help you grow as a follower of Jesus

Vibrant Faith Summer-Fall 2022

The WDC Resource Commission has paid for a subscription for the Vibrant Faith Summer-Fall 2022 Season Pass of faith formation webinars! Vibrant Faith seeks to transform the way churches envision and design faith formation for all ages and generations in the 21st century. This is available for anyone in WDC (this includes HMC).

“Trans/formed by the Holy Other: queer and trans theological activism with communities of faith”

Listen to a recording of a keynote address by Annabeth Roeschley, director of Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBTQ Concerns at the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School’s Christian Faith and LGBTQ+ Experience Lecture. Annabeth presented “Trans/formed by the Holy Other: queer and trans theological activism with communities of faith.”

The annual HPJC Peacemaker Awards Dinner will be held Saturday evening, November 12. This year's national peacemaker award recipient and keynote speaker will be Dr. Reuben Jonathan Miller. Dr. Miller is a professor at the University of Chicago and has engaged in extensive research and activism on issues of crime, punishment, racism and poverty. This annual dinner serves as one of the primary fundraisers to support HPJC programs including Peace Camp. Tickets are $100.

Information is available at

  • MDS will be building 5 homes in Bastrop area to replace homes that were destroyed by the tornado. This work will run Jan-Feb-Mar. These volunteers need a place to stay. A church that is close to the houses that will be built has graciously offered us space in one of their buildings. The space needs some renovating to fit our needs. This is the work that needs to be completed in November.

    • We have 3 weekends to do this before Thanksgiving. Time frame (additional days can be arranged, just call Steve to arrange them):

      • November 4, 5 (Gerald, Roxie, Lynda, and others may go this weekend–contact them for details)

      • November 11, 12

      • November 18. 19

    • The work will be:

      • Building 4 interior walls, installing 4 showers, installing a second water heater, installing a number of doors, installing wall board (no tape and mudding), minor repairing a false ceiling and hanging tiles, running new electrical circuits for several RVs, testing outlets and determining which circuit they are on, moving in additional freezer, ice maker, putting together bunk beds, and moving furniture

    • Location : Family Worship Center, 2425 FM 1704, Elgin TX 78621

    • Contact: Stephen Hochstetler (; 919-825-0354)

  • Want to participate in the 2023 MDS Annual Celebration? Find more details.

  • MDS Connections Newsletter available here.

  • Saturday, Nov 12

  • Bethel College, North Newton KS

  • Find more details here.


Offering / Giving

Go Electronic: ​​Give online by clicking here or the button below. Mail Checks to our building at :

Houston Mennonite Church Attn: Treasurer 1231 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77055-6852


Houston Mennonite Staff

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