“Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” - George Herbert.
We found a better tool! To help us better connect with each other, communicate more clearly, and serve our community, the HMC Council decided to leverage a new multi-use tool called ChurchTrac. It is a program we can add to a computer, phone, and/or tablet. Many HMCers have started to use it already. Over the next several months we will begin rolling out various features of the system in phases, so we can learn and adapt to use this new tool.
One of the first opportunities available is to create a current and accurate directory of our church community. To do this well, would at least one person from your family help us with the following?
Create an account on the ChurchTrac app / website ( hmc.churchtrac.com/sign-in )
After logging into ChurchTrac, and changing your passcode, you can navigate to "My Profile" and enter your details
The "Family Photo" is what will appear in the church directory
You will only have access to your information at first, not access to the entire church directory--don't panic
The HMC Admin (currently Clarke) will soon grant you access to the directory, help answer questions and other needs
Want to be in the directory, but not comfortable creating your own account? No problem--the HMC Admin can help.
Click here to email the Admin and provide your contact details directly (clicking on the previous link should help decide what information to share).
You can go to hmc.churchtrac.com any time to view the latest events and access the church directory. Soon we will have more options available as well, but these two are ready for you now.
Thank you for all that each of you does to help make our church and community more vibrant, welcoming, and just.
Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor, and Clarke Ohlendorf, Administrative Assistant
Sunday Worship at 10 AM (map)
In-person at Houston Mennonite Church (HMC)
Off-site Connectivity (meeting ID: 910 835 693 )
Zoom Online Video Meeting, or
Zoom Dial-in: 346-248-7799
Thursday Zoom Hangout from 7-9 PM
Saturday, Oct. 22
Engagement Party for Avelina & Fatima from 3-5 PM at HMC
Enjoy and celebrate the awesome couple! Everyone is welcome, including all ages!
Occasion is come-and-go as you please. Dress in whatever is comfortable for you.
Games and snacks/lunch will be available.
Gifts are not necessary--your presence is a present.
Games Night & Snackluck from 6-9 PM at HMC
Bring your favorite games and something yummy to share (and a friend or two) for a fun-filled evening!
RSVPing on ChurchTrac is helpful, but not required.
Sunday, Oct. 23
Message: "How we finish the race!"
2nd Hour: Transition Conversation, Core Values (part 2)
Sunday, Oct. 30
"Thanksgiving Meal in a Bag" Collection Begins for East Spring Branch Food Pantry
All Saints Sunday, Remembering Loved Ones
We will celebrate a time of remembering loved ones who have passed.
Please bring a photo and short summary of the person to share (not required, just encouraged).
2nd Hour: Transitions Conversation, “The Children and Youth of HMC”
Parents of children/youth at HMC: this is especially for you, but everyone is invited
Saturday, Nov. 12
HMC Building Workday from 8 AM - 1 PM
There are many opportunities to serve and help clean, repair, and otherwise support our church building. Please join us for this come-and-go opportunity to serve!
Monday, Nov. 14
Church Council Meeting on Zoom at 7 PM
Church Council Meetings are open to the congregation. Whether to observe and/or contribute, you are welcome to attend!
Zoom Meeting ID: 541 538 033
Resources to love yourself and your church family
Volunteer Schedule
Need to make any changes? Please try to find your own replacements and then contact Lynda Voran with updates.
Draft of Nov.–Dec 2022 Volunteer Schedule
Create your account on our ChurchTrac Connect page
Directory information is kept confidential by requiring HMC Admin approval of account before access is granted
Once you have full access, update your directory profile, including choosing what details to share in the directory
Resources to help you grow as a follower of Jesus
Jeff Halper, Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and co-founder of The One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC) will be coming to Houston as part of his US tour. Join us at one or both of his events.
Jeff will be speaking at UH on the reasoning for a One Democratic State.
Saturday, October 22, 5:00pm -7:30pm
UH Student Center (South Midtown Room, 4455 University Dr, Houston, TX 77204)
He will also be speaking at Live Oak Friends Meeting on the Israeli practice of house demolitions, the issue that significantly influenced him after he moved to Israel from the US.
Sunday, October 23, 9:20am – 10:20am (between worship services)
Live Oak Friends Meeting (1318 West 26th Street, Houston, TX 77008)
The annual HPJC Peacemaker Awards Dinner will be held Saturday evening, November 12. This year's national peacemaker award recipient and keynote speaker will be Dr. Reuben Jonathan Miller. Dr. Miller is a professor at the University of Chicago and has engaged in extensive research and activism on issues of crime, punishment, racism and poverty. This annual dinner serves as one of the primary fundraisers to support HPJC programs including Peace Camp. Tickets are $100.
Information is available at www.hpjc.org
The house building project near McAllen, TX is in urgent need of volunteers beginning mid-October through mid-November. Please relay this information to persons within your circle of influence who might be willing to volunteer, or might know someone who would be willing to help. To learn more information and to volunteer, see the Mennonite Disaster Service Website.
For the months of October - December 2022, MDS is offering financial travel assistance for anyone who serves for a week or more in McAllen, Texas or Jennings, Louisiana. Contact Deanna Frey (dfrey@mds.org) or call 1-800-241-8111 with any questions or to schedule a week.
Curious about MDS's response to Hurricane Ian and the damage it caused to Florida? Look here.
Want to participate in the 2023 MDS Annual Celebration? Find more details.
Nov 12, Saturday
Bethel College, North Newton KS
Find more details here.
Offering / Giving
Go Electronic: Give online by clicking here or the button below. Mail Checks to our building at :
Houston Mennonite Church Attn: Treasurer 1231 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77055-6852
Houston Mennonite Staff
Pastor (Transitional): Lee Lever
Pastor (Associate): LaTayna Purnell
Administrative Assistant: Clarke Ohlendorf